- An economic global trading platform for commercial advertisers and consumers to exchange products and services for our very own private medium for exchange the abundance crypto-credits.
- A membership support network affiliate referral system to increase membership and the abundant value of the system through membership growth.
- Referral links for new members to join and share with numerous social networks for the affiliate referral program.
- The Crypto-Credits are a private medium of exchange that must be spent on advertised products and services of other registered members.
- True intrinsic value is in the people who offer sweat equity (labour) when providing a service or offering a product. Natural, human and capital resources if exchanged by the people from the outset will create a new move into a virtual world of digital exchange. Not with bitcoin algorithm software that is volatile on the stock exchange with lengthy transaction times and manipulation from the global elite banking cartel but through a basic money management, purpose built software program that is instant and accurate, all from the comforts of home in your private capacity.
- A back-office members login area for all business marketing tools and business activity to manage adverts, messages, genealogy family tree, accounts and more.
- A 10% tithe on all activity is automatically debited from each exchange, so there is no need to worry about forwarding GOD's share.
- A crime preventative measure to suspend accounts until remedy with the option of termination and loss of all entitlements for unethical business activity or serious breach or misconduct.
- A non-refundable GLOBAL RESET divine inheritance, business start-up of 10 Million Crypto-Credits in exchange for 10 or more new membership within the first month of joining.
- When everyone upgrades to the platinum membership plan the company pays forward 50/50 or 50% of the weekly cost of the membership plan as an incentive to refer more people which increases the Crypto-Credits by 50,000 Credit residuals from each and every new membership a registered member personally sponsors.
- Everyone can list, sell, promote, refer, barter, trade and exchange from their back-office members login area, secured with a username and password to manage all business activity and membership growth through a private e-wallet account management system that instantly credits or debits their account or adds a new member to their genealogy tree and membership support network.
- Members can exchange their own TBC crypto-currency value for equal crypto-credit value set by the (CPI) Capital Pricing Index as a benchmark of value. This also increases the value of the Godzone Credit Exchange Private Society and their private medium, crypto-credit.
- Unlimited advertising and increasing business opportunities through membership growth.